Our Vision, Aims and Values
Our Vision
We ensure all pupils and staff learn together in order to aim high, persevere and achieve within a respectful setting. Tottenhall is an inclusive community where all pupils are nurtured and inspired to be the best they can be.
Our Aims
The staff and the governors work together:
- To provide an inclusive, nurturing environment where pupils feel safe and are able to learn.
- To aim high so all pupils achieve their best.
- To create a stimulating and enabling learning environment, reflecting cultures and customs of pupils within a global community, embracing new technologies.
- To guide pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour through positive reinforcement.
- To develop pupil confidence to become independent and critical thinkers who question the world around them.
- To promote a healthy lifestyle and develop an appreciation of safe exercising.
- To ensure that most able pupils are academically, creatively and/or physically challenged.
- To promote British values and reflect the rich contribution families and the wider community make to the life of our school.
- All children will be recognised as successful learners whose strengths are valued and whose needs are supported by accepting the differences in others to develop success and achievement for all.

Pupils enjoy the activities they do in lessons. This encourages good behaviour and little interruption to their concentration.
Ofsted Report – 2021
Our Values

Conny Confidence
Confident children are not afraid to make mistakes when learning something new

Pete Persistence
Children who are persistent keep on trying when things seem hard or are not fun to do

Ricky Resilience
Children who are emotionally resilient can calm down soon after being extremely upset without needing the immediate help of an adult

Oscar Organisation
Children who are organised plan to do their best work. They listen carefully to what their teachers and parents want them to do

Gabby Get Along
Getting along means that children work and play together nicely. It means that children tell the truth, care about and are friendly to others.